4D Ultrasound - Picture Perfect 3D/4D Ultrasound



Call Today. You’re Going To Love It.

Schedule an appointment today and capture a magical moment for life.

The Best 4D Ultrasound

Houston TX Has to Offer

Picture Perfect 3D/4D Ultrasound Imaging is the best 4D Ultrasound facility that Houston, TX has to offer. We are also the top Houston location for 3D Ultrasound .


Our ARMDS certified 3D ultrasound and 4D ultrasound technicians have over 40 years of sonography experience.

Our extensive ultrasound experience combined with a comfortable environment has led to 5-star experiences for numerous families. (Check us out on Yelp if you don’t believe us!).


At Picture Perfect 3D/4D Ultrasound Imaging, we make sure that expecting mothers are comfortable and strive to provide the entire family with a great experience.

Schedule Your Ultrasound Today!

What Is A 4D Ultrasound

Getting a 4D ultrasound  is a similar process to having a 3D ultrasound. 4D ultrasounds and 4D sonograms add an element of movement to the process that allows you to see things like your baby kicking, smiling, opening its eyes, moving its lips and other movements as they happen.


A 4D ultrasound is elective, and non-medical. As a result, pregnant mothers will need to get permission from their doctor before getting a 4D ultrasound.

The Best Time to Schedule a Session

We have team members available to schedule your appointments and take your calls 24 hours a day at (713) 393-7704. You can also book here or learn more at our Schedule Appointment page.


Is it boy? Or is it a girl? Book your appointment to find out. The only 3D Ultrasound boutique in Houston, TX that offers gender reveals as early as 14 weeks.


Make your appointment during this time and you may see amazing activities such as him playing with his feet or her giving a big yawn after a quick nap. Often times you can even catch your baby looking right back at you! Many families love the 26-28 week time frame.


Want another peek? There is still fairly good movement during the 29-32 week period. If you have already had a 3D 4D Sonogram at 26-28 weeks or if this is your first time, this is your second best opportunity to make an appointment. The sooner the better… so don’t delay!


After 32 weeks, it becomes very difficult to get a good view due to the limited movement of the baby at this time. Some facilities have successfully completed 3D 4D ultrasounds all the way through 37 weeks, but these results are not typical. You may still be able to schedule an appointment during this time, however, please be aware it is unlikely your session will be as successful as earlier weeks in your pregnancy.


Congratulations on your new baby! Now you can see your new little one in person and compare him or her to your 3D 4D Ultrasound images!



Call Today. You’re Going To Love It.

Schedule an appointment today and capture a magical moment for life.

Advantages of Booking With Our Picture Perfect Imaging 3D Ultrasound Facility

Schedule Your Ultrasound Today!